Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Aujourd'hui nous commémorons la prise de la Bastille avec les mots français nous utilisons en anglais.

Sorry, wrong language!

Today we celebrate Bastille Day with French words commonly used in English:

restaurant, ballet, crayon, espionage, etiquette, menu, omelette, sachet, souvenir, tranquil, umpire...

I do a word of the day (which has become the word of the week now that school is out) for the students. It started as a joke with one of my student employees after I accused him of talking in double entendres and he didn't know what I was saying. So everyday he would bug me for a new word of the day. I thought today I would share with the blog to educate all those freedom fries people that alot more than our food names will have to change to eliminate French from our language.

a bientôt