Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Another late night post

I wrote a nice long post filled with ramblings about my new life on anti-depressants, and for some reason blogger didn't like it, so it didn't post. Now I have to decide if I want to recreate it or just tell you that you would have been fascinated and now you've been robbed of the privilege of reading what amounted to me babbling about shopping and talking too much. I'm sure there was something worthwhile in the post and maybe I'll share that part at a later date, but for now just know that blogger is not always kind.

I should leave you with something, so I will recommend a book. I am currently reading a book called Hello to All That by John Falk. It his biography of his battle with depression. It's really quite interesting, but a bit choppy. The book switches between the past and the present, but the transitions are not smooth to say the least. Still, if you're interested in learning more about the personal aspects of depression, this is a good book to read.